Monday, September 27, 2010

Web stuff we like

If you are a pet lover, you probably already know that there are millions (seriously, I don't think I am exaggerating) sites about pets. I have often said that cute photos of animals are the reason the internets were invented.

Here's a short list of some of Winnie's favorites:

Cute Overload: This site is the Mack Daddy of cute on the web. Always and forever! xoxo Winnie Cooper!

PetSugar: I am not going to lie, this site is definitely for chicks, but it has a lot of fun info for people that love pets. 

Two Pitties in the City: This is a recently discovered blog, but since Winnie's sister Sharona is a pit bull, we likey!

As time rolls on, I'll keep posting our favorite sites. Do you have a favorite site about pets? Feel free to post in the comments!

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