Monday, December 13, 2010

Recession and pets don't mix

Thanks to all the commenters on Winnie's Birthday Wish #1: No hungry dogs and kitties! We can't wait to go out and buy the dog and cat food for the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf this weekend. Yep, we'll be shopping this Saturday, that means you have five more days to comment and donate to help hungry dogs and cats!

This morning Vermont Public Radio ran a story about the increase of pets being given up due to the recession.
"What we've seen this year is a lot of people are surrendering their animals due to the cost of just providing basic care. A lot of people are losing their jobs, a lot of people are being evicted from their homes to places that don't allow pets." -Sharon Burnett, Second Chance Animal Center, Shaftbury, VT

Listen or read the transcript of the VPR story here.

Comment on this post or comment on the original Birthday Wish #1 post to help donate dog and cat food to the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf so that needy families here (Chittenden Country , VT) can receive help with feeding their pets. If you aren't the commenting type, check in with your local food shelves, pet pantries or animal shelters to see if you can donate food.

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